Chances are if you're reading this now you're either:
a.) Family
b.) A close friend
c.) Really really bored
Whoever you may be, welcome to what may turn out to be a big mistake or a wonderful new beginning. This is of course my new blog, which thanks to a good friend of mine (and fellow blogger) I was provoked to start. So of course my first post shall be just a simple introduction of myself and what this blog is intended to be.
Now unless you're only in category c.) from above, you already know at least a little about me. I'm a college graduate from Virginia Tech, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Obviously, I'm not an English major so bear with me in my attempts to be a least a little grammatically correct. I'm currently employed as a process engineer and in my spare time I enjoy working out at the gym (desperately trying to gain weight again), playing some video games with my somewhat nerdy yet irreplaceable friends(you know who you are), going out to explore the many or not so many things to do in southwest Virginia and of course now I will blog on occasion.
So why blog? Most should know just how hostile the internet can be these days. Even something as simple as a five word Facebook status can be misinterpreted or taken a bit more personally than intended and you set yourself up to be flamed by an angry virtual mob. There's multiple reasons why people blog and the simplest is just a venting tool. Everyone does this on Facebook anyway. Status messages from all your friends or remote acquaintances describe to you just how lousy or epic their day was whether it be through direct statements or vague song lyrics that apparently...they posted it because they "just liked the lyrics." No shit Sherlock, but why did you like the lyrics? Don't tell me you didn't mean anything by it. Moving on...
So of course I'm going to vent here frequently. It will often be a means of reaching out in an attempt to understand and find comfort, but I'm not always that selfish. I really hope this will be a two way street and that my two or three loyal readers will also find comfort in knowing that they aren't the only one who feels a certain way.
Also, I cannot deny that I hope to change people. If you know me and have ever carried on a debate with me, you know that I am very analytical. I tend to think very deeply about what makes people or objects "tick," admittedly perhaps a bit too much at times. Not everyone will agree with everything I post on here and I'm sure someone will inevitably feel a bit hurt by something I say. Please pay attention to the next few lines...
What I state within my blog for the foreseeable future will be nothing more than my opinion. There is very little that I will ever say is right or wrong in this world. If I am ever being short sighted, a bit too harsh or just plain an asshole...please feel free to tell me. As I mentioned I want this to be a two way street, and that goes whether we are on the same sides of the fence or not.
Finally, I'll take a brief moment to explain the title of my blog as I hope it will be the overall theme for many of my future posts. Here's a somewhat cliche illustration...
The above picture is my goal in life. Not just to be as jacked as this guy probably is, but to be able to push yourself to your limits both mentally and physically for one sole purpose...personal growth.
It's magnitudes easier to work hard when the stage is set or when something important to you is on the line. But every day we all fight the urge to become complacent and coast through our short lives, doing just enough to get by. Especially soon after graduating college, a time when most of your close friends are hundreds of miles away and your social network feels the smallest it has ever been. The golden road ahead of you that is suppose to take you anywhere, at times fills your heart with solitude and a feeling of intimidation.
However, this is where you can show the world what you're really made of. But more importantly, you have to show yourself first. You have to take the steps to begin gaining momentum when it feels as though your life has momentarily stopped. You have to break the bad habits and start up the better ones. You have to branch out and put yourself out of your comfort zones to once again expand your social network and surround yourself with good people.
You have to work hard each day to do what you honestly believe is the right thing....
...when nobody else is watching.
Thanks for reading.
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